Alone in the Dark will run on any color Macintosh. We recommend a 68040-based or Power Macintosh computer for best results.
Quick Control Reference
Here are the basic commands to get started in the Alone in the Dark demo.
Generally speaking, you will use the arrow keys to access items, move, and fight. You won't be using your mouse.
Hold down the up-arrow key to walk forward.
Hold down the down-arrow key to walk backward.
Hold down the left and right arrow keys to rotate left and right.
While walking forward, hold down the Shift key if you want to run instead of walk.
Fighting, whether armed or unarmed
Fighting takes some practice. First press "F" to get ready to fight. Then hold down the space bar. For as long as you hold down the space bar, you will stay in your fighting stance. While in the fighting stance, hold down the left and right arrow keys to throw punches, and hold down the up and down arrow keys to kick. When you want to stop fighting, let go of the space bar. This will make you leave your fighting stance.
If you aren't immediately able to fight very well, note that you must be holding down the space bar, and while doing so, you must hold down an arrow key. Don't just tap the arrow key -- hold it down until the punch is completely thrown.
If you are using a weapon of some sort (see "Using Items", below), you'll use the same technique to fight with the weapon. If your weapon is a gun of some sort, while holding down the space bar, you can use the left and right arrow keys to rotate and aim, and the up arrow key will fire.
Opening and Searching
If you'd like to search or open something -- for instance, you may wish to search a bookshelf or open a chest -- press the letter "O" to get ready to open or search. Then walk right up to the object you wish to open or search, and hold down the space bar. Don't just tap the space bar -- be sure to hold it down. If there is something in front of you to be found or to be opened, you will either get it or open it, whichever is appropriate. If you can't seem to get this to work, make sure that you're immediately in front of the place you want to open or search.
Using an Item
The following looks harder than it is. Just try it and you'll see:
Press "return" to see a list of items you are carrying. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list. As you scroll through the list, you'll see a picture of the item as well as a list of the things you can do with it. Press "return" to choose the highlighted item. Then use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list of available commands. Press "return" again to perform a command. If that command is "Use", you can then use the space bar to actually use the item.
For example, suppose you have a key in your possession and you decide you want to use it to unlock a door. First, walk up to the door so you're right in front of the door, facing it. Then press "return". A list will appear of the items you carry. Use the down-arrow key until you have selected the key you want to use. Press "return". Once you do this, three commands will appear that you can do to the key: "Use", "Throw", or "Drop/Put". Use the up and down arrow keys until the word "Use" is highlighted, and then press "return". Now you will be returned to the game screen. Hold down the space bar to use the key.
The "U" key is a shortcut for "Use". You can press "U" to bring up a list of items that can be used. However, the first time you pick up an item, you might want to press "return" and have a look at what you can do with that item. For instance, the "Read" command, which you can use to read a book, is only available by pressing the "return" key -- it is not available if you press "U" for "Use".
More about the “return” key
When you press the "return" key to look at your list of items, the first item listed is you. The commands "Fight", "Open/Search", "Close", and "Push" are always available. Once you have selected one of these items, holding the space bar will, as usual, perform the action. Later in the game, more commands may be made available for you, so keep an eye on what you can do.
The ESC key, generally
You can generally press the ESC key to get out of a screen. So if you are looking at the inventory screen, pressing ESC will go back to the game window.
That’s about it!
This is enough to get you started with the demo. Have fun!
-- The crew at MacPlay
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